In our team, we combine a passion for working with children and young people with coaching experience and educational background in relevant fields. Thanks to our diverse and complementary competencies, we create a strong and dedicated team that cares about the future of youth.

President of the Foundation

Educator, project coordinator. Global education and children’s rights enthusiast. Holds a Bachelor degree in intercultural relations of Asia and Africa and Master degree in culture management. Associated with the Foundation since 2017, and President of the Foundation since 2023. In her work, she combines experience from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors.

Vice President of the Foundation

Associated with the Foundation since its inception (including as vice president since 2018), she mainly oversees projects for the social integration of children and youth. An efficient coordinator, specialist in building relationships.

Vice President of the Foundation

Latin Americanist, writer, and journalist. She is involved in global education, decolonization issues, ethical tourism, and fair storytelling about the world. She lived in Mexico for nine years, writing about it for Polish and foreign press. One of the authors of the post-turysta project and co-founder of the “Akcja Dekolonizacja” profile on Instagram.


Founder and establisher of our Foundation, President of the Foundation from 2015 to 2023. Ambassador for children’s rights, passionate about child protection activities, educator, project coordinator. She has nearly 20 years of experience in the non-governmental and public sectors, mainly working for children and youth.

Member of the Foundation Council

Psychologist, Geographer, Trainer, and Educator, fascinated by alternative education and the cognitive abilities of young people. She is interested in future competencies and creating projects for children and youth that shape their resilience, mental strength, emotional awareness, and self-determination.

Member of the Foundation Council

Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Change Mentor, Inspirer, Specialist in Soft Skills Development and Coaching Management, and Advocate at the District Bar Council in Warsaw.


Educator, trainer, artist. Dedicated to art education, democratic principles, and issues related to inclusivity, anti-discrimination, and global education. Specializes in teaching contemporary art, creativity, and innovation within art institutions. Leads social, artistic, and educational projects.


Educator and Responsible Tourism Enthusiast. Employee of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection. She studied humanitarian aid at the University of Warsaw, classical philology at the University of Wrocław, as well as journalism, art, cultural studies, and photography.

Special educational needs teacher

Specialist in Inclusive Education with many years of experience in working in kindergarten. For several years, she has been engaged in working with children with special educational needs and those at risk of social maladjustment.

Graphic designer, social media

Z fundacją związana od lutego 2021 – jako wolontariuszka i graficzka, która wypełniała czas po studiach. Aktualnie pracuje w zawodzie i pomaga nie tylko graficznie, ale również w pisaniu postów i wspiera nowe inicjatywy. W wolnym czasie ogląda ptaki w lesie, rysuje i kształci się z wielu dziedzin, które dają radość. Prawa człowieka, a zwłaszcza dzieci, są bliskie jej sercu.
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