In 2024, the Foundation began implementing the task of “Repairing and rebuilding the Foundation’s website,” which was planned for the period: 06.05.2024-31.12.2024.
The task was carried out (and financed) as part of the Program: Program Rozwoju Organizacji Obywatelskich na lata 2018-2030 PROO – Priorytet 5 – Wsparcie doraźne – ogłoszonego i realizowanego przez NIW-CRSO.
As a result of the actions taken, the website was repaired after unexpected damage that prevented the effective realization of the organization’s statutory goals.
- Transferred to another server,
- Secured against spam,
- Graphically refreshed,
- Registered in the Google index,
- Quipped with a paid SSL Certificate
- Optimized for SEO and loading speed and security,
- Created both in Polish and English version.
The National Freedom Institute – Centre for Civil Society Development is the first executive agency in Polish history responsible for supporting civil society and public benefit activities.