Science knows no country,
because knowledge belongs to humanity.

Louis Pasteur

Education lies at the heart of Go’n’Act’s work. We conduct workshops for children, youth, and adults and cooperate with schools, companies, festivals etc. In our Foundation, we use various forms of work: advocacy, workshops, training, direct support, youth exchanges, “field” projects with local communities, social campaigns, and many more. We implement both regional, national, and international projects. Our projects actively engage youth to be authors and co-creators of various activities.

Global citizenship education (also known as global education) is part of civic education that raises awareness of global phenomena and interdependencies. It teaches critical thinking and recognizing the interconnections and interactions of cultural, environmental, economic, social, political, and technological systems. It explains the causes and effects of phenomena, includes perspectives from the Global South, and fosters understanding of sustainable development, the role of human rights protection, and viewing the world as a complex and dynamically changing system. 

Implies a pedagogical approach to cultural differences, A process aimed at fostering understanding and respect for cultural differences and preparing for dialogue between the different cultural groups. Our goal is mainly to build openness to representatives of other cultures and awareness of their mutual permeation.

Prepares people to resolve conflicts non-violently and strengthens the need for actions for world peace. It raises awareness of the need for global actions for justice, equality, and human rights compliance, in line with the Declaration on the Right to Peace. It opposes the romanticization of wars and the involvement of children in them.

Promotes knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that lead to preventing conflicts and violence at both interpersonal and intergroup (including international) levels. We focus mainly on anti-violence activities in schools and where there are representatives of minority groups.

Deliberate actions to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes to counteract discrimination and prejudice-motivated violence and support equality and diversity. Anti-discrimination elements are present in all our educational activities.

According to the European Union definition, “prepares students to become active citizens, by ensuring that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to contribute to the development and wellbeing of the society in which they live.”

Educating and raising society in the spirit of caring for the natural environment. We implement this type of education both as an independent topic (e.g. workshops on minimizing our impact on climate change) and by incorporating elements of nature respect into our other activities.

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